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February 1955 Head office established in
Togano-machi, Kita-ku, Osaka
1955: Starts manufacturing of ROAD ROLLER & Cement Concrete equipment and launches wheel mounted engine asphalt sprayers
1958: Launches the mechanized spreading chip (aggregate) spreader
1959: Launches the first towed type asphalt finisher in Japan
June 1966 The manufacturing plant erected in Takeshima Nishi-yodogawa- ku, Osaka
April 1968 Tokyo branch office opened in Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
1960: Launches high speed uniform application distributor
1964: Launches cold asphalt plant responding to Road Administration
1965: Joint develops deicing chemical agent spreader with MOC
February 1973 Head office moved to the premise of Takeshima plant, Takeshima, Nishi yodogawa-ku, Osaka
January 1978 Opened Fukuoka branch office in Fukuoka city
1970:Predict interest on community roads launches Mini Pavers
1979: Launches Mini Road Planer with small asphalt surface heater after that Mini cold asphalt planer
June 1984 Tokyo branch moved to Misono, Itabashi-ku Tokyo and built warehouse
April 1986 Erected Utajima no. 1 plant in Mitejima Nishi-yodogawa-ku, Osaka
October 1987 Erected Utajima no. 2 plant in Mitejima Nishi-yodogawa-ku, Osaka
October 1988 Purchased the building for head office in Mitejima, Nishi yodogawa-ku, Osaka
May 1989 Sales & Administration divisions moved to new head office building
1981: 180 units of asphalt distributors delivered to Iraq
1982: Launches asphalt surface heating vehicle
1983: Launches road surface recycling unit and starts series production
1984 : Launches asphalt debris loader in conjunction with assembling of road planer
1985: Launches road surface recycling unit “REMIXER”
1986 : Launches medium sized road planer
1987: Launches ultra large deicing chemical agent spreader for air port use
March1990 Opened Niigata sales office in Abumi 1-chome, Niigata city
May 1991 Purchased the warehouse and established “Parts center” adjacent to head office
May 1991 Purchased the land and erected Takeshima no. 2 plant in Takeshima Nishi-yodogawa-ku, Osaka
July 1996 Opened Sendai , Sapporo and Chubu sales offices
1992: Launches ultra mini finisher model F14C
1993: Launches ultimate mini finisher model F31CD
1995: Launches airport ground service vehicles, Lavatory-Car & Water Service-Car
1995: Launches three stage extendable screed finisher model F1740C
1998 : Launches ultra mini asphalt planer CRP-35
Sept. 2000 Purchased the land and erected” Takeshima no. 3 plant in Takeshima
August 2001 Fukuoka branch moved to near the Fukuoka Air Port
Sept. 2004 Opened Chugoku Branch in Hiroshima city
Sept. 2004 Fukuoka Branch moved to Kukomae, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka city
2000: Launches air pressured type asphalt distributor
2001: Launches 4.5M width asphalt finisher
2002: Launches cement concrete stacker FS-150
2003: Launches foamed asphalt stabilizer KS-200
2005: Launches spray chipper HCP-41W
2006: Launches asphalt finisher F2045W2
2009: Launches stabilizer spreader HCL60
2009: Launches asphalt finisher F45W3